Lotte Verbeek (Giulia Farnese)


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    Lotte Verbeek (born 24 June 1982 in Venlo, Netherlands) is an award-winning Dutch actress, dancer and model. Her most famous role is Giulia Farnese in The Borgias television series created by Neil Jordan.
    Lotte Verbeek was educated at Gymnasium Collegium Marianum in Venlo and graduated in 2008 at the Theaterschool in Amsterdam. From 1999, Verbeek attended the Dance Academy in Arnhem and the Amsterdam Academy of Jazz/Musical Theatre and Dance, where she graduated in 2006. During her studies she worked as a dancer and model for photographer Erwin Olaf. After completing high school, Verbeek started her acting career performing lead roles in dutch movies such as Moes (2006) and LEFT (2007), in which she plays five double roles.
    In 2009 she won the Leopard for best actress at the Locarno International Film Festival for her role of Anne in Nothing Personal, dutch movie directed by Urszula Antoniak.[4][5] For the same part she was also the recipient of the best actress award at the International Film Festival of Marrakech 2009[6] and was nominated as best actress for the Golden Calf at the Netherlands Film Festival.
    In 2010 Verbeek received the Shooting Stars Award, the annual acting award for up-and-coming actors by European Film Promotion, at the Berlin International Film Festival.

    Lotte Verbeek (Venlo, 24 Giugno 1982) è un'attrice olandese. Ha vinto il Pardo d'oro come migliore attrice al Festival del film Locarno del 2009 per il suo ruolo in Niente di personale.
    Ha ricevuto il premio della European Film Promotion al Festival internazionale del cinema di Berlino del 2010.
    Nello stesso anno è una delle sorelle Lescano nella miniserie diretta da Maurizio Zaccaro Le ragazze dello swing.
    Nel 2011 è Giulia Farnese nella serie Showtime The Borgias.


    Nothing personal

    Nella fiction "Le ragazze dello swing". Lotte non è doppiata: è un'olandese trapiantata in Italia come il suo personaggio. Non è però lei a cantare =)

    Edited by ‚dafne - 3/4/2013, 12:59
  2. marie.

    User deleted


    Having seen the next two episodes, we were surprised to see the mistress keeps her clothes on. “Knowing that she is a mistress, the most uninteresting thing would be to have a lot of sex scenes. You know that that’s happening. I think the stuff around it is far more interesting to portray. That’s where you start to wonder, so what else happens? And why? What’s with the age difference?” Verbeek laughs. “I was actually pleasantly surprised by how much value she even has to his life, and the fact that she’s eventually much more than a mistress. You’ll see that later on. She’s not a typical mistress. She’s far from a cliché. She’s talking about not only to use your beauty as a woman, but also your wit and your intelligence. And I think that’s exactly what she’s doing.” Fortunately, for those of us who do tune into historical dramas for the love scenes, she says we are right to hold out hope that François Arnaud’s Cesare will find more time for sex in the future. “What can we expect when one is a young, beautiful good-looking guy?” she teases. Um, incest with his sister, Lucrezia (Holliday Grainger)? “I wasn’t there when they shot that,” she says of the sibling’s touchy-feeling entrance. “When I saw it, I was like, Hmmm. Interesting. Is that just me seeing stuff happening? That’s the fun part about this series. Even though it’s strong and it speaks about very powerful human forces, desires, dark sides of people, it’s still done very poetic, and very subtle, and very intelligent. That’s really Neil Jordan’s power as a writer and a director.”

    Lucrezia, Borgia’s daughter, who Giulia has befriended, is the best-known female in the tale of the original crime family. “It’s not as clear what happened to Giulia as with Lucrezia, so it gave a lot of freedom to Neil and to me as well to give it our own twist, which is a bit more fiction, and I like that,” she says. Verbeek won the role less than a month before shooting her first scene. ”I taped myself in my best British RP, and Neil Jordan invited me to Budapest to have lunch, and then they offered me the part. It was within a week from the first moment I got the script,” she told us earlier this week, phoning from her home in Amsterdam. “Living in Budapest for half a year [filming], and I was the only Dutch person on set, I had to speak English, so I thought I may as well just speak in the required accent. I spoke like a full-blown Brit all the time. It must’ve been a bit odd.”

    She must have had a lot of time to practice. It was an hour drive to the set from her hotel, and then another hour or two in hair and makeup each day. “They were working with such a perfectionism, they were even measuring so the part in my hair was exactly center,” she says. “You’ll never really reach perfection, but the strive for it, I love it.”

    Secondo Lotte Giulia è un'amante *atipica*, una che sa che la donna deve usare non solo la propria bellezza ma anche la propria arguzia e intelligenza. Questo consiglio che ha dato a Lucrezia corissponde a ciò che fa lei, ed è per questo che non vediamo Giulia nuda tutto il tempo o comunque sempre a letto con Rodrigo.
    Diversamente, vedremo Cesare più sessualmente attivo XD le chiedono del rapporto di lui con la sorella e lei, che ha visto la scena *sull'erba* solo quando era stata già girata, ha subito pensato che fosse interessante.
    Lotte ha inviato un provino con l'accento più inglese che le riusciva (è olandese) ed è stata assunta un mese prima della partenza delle riprese.
    Trova che la perfezione non esista, ma che il lavoro che si fa sul set per raggiungerla sia fantastico.

    Sarà mica che shippa Lucrezia/Cesare? XD
    Comunque lui faceva zumzum a destra e a manca, mi pare anche normale che tra poco il suo tempo di, uhm, attività orizzontale, aumenti.

    Edited by marie. - 10/4/2011, 00:10
  3. Julia_Katina

    User deleted

    mi seccava tradurre breve? X°°D
  4. marie.

    User deleted

    Aggiunto riassunto tradotto ^^
  5. Julia_Katina

    User deleted

    grazie :*
  6. marie.

    User deleted

  7. brunilde;

    User deleted

    Com'è bella <3 ha una voce meravigliosa e i tratti mi ricordano vagamente Angelina Jolie (direte: che c'entra XD)
  8. Aoife8

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    CITAZIONE (brunilde; @ 15/4/2011, 13:43) 
    Com'è bella <3 ha una voce meravigliosa e i tratti mi ricordano vagamente Angelina Jolie (direte: che c'entra XD)

    Quoto, quoto, quoto. :wub:
  9. boleyns

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (Aoife8 @ 15/4/2011, 13:55) 
    CITAZIONE (brunilde; @ 15/4/2011, 13:43) 
    Com'è bella <3 ha una voce meravigliosa e i tratti mi ricordano vagamente Angelina Jolie (direte: che c'entra XD)

    Quoto, quoto, quoto. :wub:

    ora che me lo fate notare, è vero, specialmente in questa intervista! (:
  10. marie.

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  11. brunilde;

    User deleted

    Qui Photoshop regna incontrastato XD
    Ciò non toglie che sia bellissima *-*
  12. Filippa Lillonza II

    User deleted

    Com'è bella <3 ha una voce meravigliosa e i tratti mi ricordano vagamente Angelina Jolie (direte: che c'entra XD)

    Hai proprio ragione! stesse labbra e stessi occhi chiari
  13. marie.

    User deleted

    Col suo premio a Locarno






    Edited by marie. - 27/4/2011, 18:19
  14. Kittenfra

    User deleted

    Non che ora Cesare non si diverta eh :P
    Ma al momento ancora non s'è dato alla pazza gioia >.>
    Aspettiamo con ansia il proseguir della "commedia"

    Comunque Lotte è incantevole ^___^
  15. Nainerouge

    User deleted

    E' splendida Lotte, non solo per via dei capelli rossi che per me sono sinonimo di mezza bellezza :wub:
    (penso che il mio avatar dimostri la mia ammirazione per lei)
    ha una classe pazzesca!
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