Gli Aragona di Napoli

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  1. ‚dafne

    Senior Member


    Ci sono molte omonimie!

    Comunque una notizia di colore: Giovanna d'Aragona (figlia di re Ferrante e Giovanna di Trastamara) fu presa in considerazione come eventuale seconda moglie di Enrico VII. Il re mandň i suoi a esaminare il suo aspetto, il suo fiato (!), se avesse i baffi (!!!) e altri dettagli.

    Curious about the young Italian, Henry sent two envoys to Naples with orders to procure “a portrait of the young queen”. They were also issued with a 24-point list of “instructions for taking a survey of her person”, which required information about Joanna’s face, figure, complexion, personality, eating habits and financial position. Some of Henry’s specifics are quoted below, along with the written comments of his envoys:

    [Henry] “…Mark the favour of her visage, whether she be painted or no, whether she be fat or lean, sharp or round…”

    [Envoys] “As far as we can perceive or know she is not painted, and the favour of her visage is after her stature – of very good compass and amiable, and somewhat round and fat…”

    [Henry] “Mark whether her neck be long or short.”

    [Envoys] Her neck is comely, not misshapen, nor very short nor very long, but her neck seemeth to be shorter because her breasts be full and somewhat big…”

    [Henry] “Mark her breasts, whether they be big or small.”

    [Envoys] “They be somewhat great and full… they were trussed somewhat high, after the manner of the country, it caused them to seem much fuller…”

    [Henry] “Mark whether any hair appear upon her lip.”

    [Envoys] “She hath none.”

    Henry was impressed enough with the report but the union did not proceed, most likely due to political considerations. Henry VII died in 1509 without remarrying.

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