the borgias ITALIA  { cortegiania } // il primo forum sui borgia e la renaissance

Group informations

Group name
l'artista preferito del forum
Graphic administrator
Group membership
Closed group


Group members

Name / Gender
Registration date
  1. 4/4/2012

Credits, Affilati e Gemellati

the borgias ITALIA {the series, the family} was founded on March 13 2011.
This is just a fansite and we do not own any of its content: every image, text, content belongs to the respective owner. If you think we're committing copyright infringement please contact us before taking legal actions so that we can take the material down as we do not condone illegal activity.

Affiliati Gemellati Credits
;we love oth - the biggest family OUAT Creazioni by FUCKYEAH! off topic, art and much more ♥ Leonardo Di Caprio Italy Mina Mazzini - La regina della musica *Mars* FuyumiSouryo* The dark side of London XIX sec-

tabella in cima © børn b ä c k w ä r d s › ´guinevere¸ portfolio gif in tabella ©mei¢hañtarghette sezioni ©Hermione Weasley, tabella di fondo ©Faffina logo by ilaria, targhette gruppi by mary
il forum è stato valutato da:


tabelle top & bottom by beyondthesky

"Yellow flicker beat" skin is made by #fishbone&shadowcat @ fuckyeah.
Thanks to: